Leverage data-driven insights to proactively identify,
manage, and mitigate potential risks for individual
employees and teams in real-time

ProtectWise is a specialized solution designed for experts dedicated to safeguarding the well-being and safety of employees in the workplace.

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Innovative Strategy

Cutting-edge machine learning techniques with real-time data integration


Significantly enhanced competitiveness through improved workforce safety


Secure work environment that promotes productivity and employee satisfaction


Optimized Safety Management

Our first value proposition streamlines safety managers' responsibilities by minimizing non-essential tasks, allowing them to engage in valuable conversations with workers. This fosters a safety-conscious culture and promotes open dialogue about workplace hazards, enabling safety managers to proactively address concerns and improve safe working practices, ultimately leading to a more secure and productive work environment.

Real-Time Hazard Response

The second value proposition emphasizes the ability of safety managers to interact with real-time work environments, enabling them to swiftly respond and take action where it is most needed, ensuring timely and effective mitigation of potential hazards and fostering a safer workplace for all employees.



ProtectWise streamlines occupational safety by preprocessing raw data on Estonian occupational accidents, focusing on specific occupations within designated economic sectors. We then train machine learning models on this refined data, which is integrated with site access management information to match real employee occupation types. The result is a comprehensive display of operational and dynamic risk levels for both individuals and teams, providing safety managers with crucial insights for enhanced workplace safety through our central controlling unit.